Can safety data save the world?

Can safety data save the world

Safety Data: The shipping industry has to take responsibility for its impact on the environment. There is an unavoidable drive towards decarbonisation, but what other tools do we have to protect our planet?

“The report (the European Maritime Transport Environmental Report) shows that ships produce 13.5 % of all greenhouse gas emissions from transport in the EU.” –

“The shipping industry consumes 300 million tons of fuel every year, releasing around 3 percent of the world’s carbon-dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.” –

“Shipping currently contributes approximately 2-3% of global carbon emissions, and could represent as much as 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.” –

Using Big Data to Green the Planet

Data is the first step to making the maritime shipping industry green. Using data, we’re able to shorten routes, increase engine efficiency, reduce redundant shipping routes, and much more. Projects are being developed all around the world to improve these elements one by one.

As more data is gathered, shipping companies can share what they know and keep the whole industry moving more smoothly toward a green destination.

Domestic Shipping and Data

Domestic shipping produces about 18 percent of the emissions in the industry. (World Economic Forum) While there is a significant push to make those fleets electric, using big data, we’re able to increase the efficiency of those ships immediately.

Electric ships and hydrogen fuel cells are already creating zero emission cargo ships. We’re also able to apply data to shipping routes, tides and currents to increase efficiency, and even risk management to reduce idle time.

The biggest threat to environmental gains

The painstaking protection of our natural world can be undone by a single fuel spill. The maritime industry carries some of the most toxic materials in the world through some of the most fragile ecosystems. It is all very well to make ships cleaner, more efficient and quieter, but one high-impact event can destroy all of these hard-won gains.

The solution is a data-based proactive approach to safety.

HiLo Maritime Risk Management uses the best data in the industry to calculate where shipping companies are at risk of a catastrophic event. Our analysis picks up clues pointing to future dangers, so managers can make small changes and prevent incidents which could destroy habitats and kill crew members. Now that we have this information, we have to use it. We can no longer talk about shipping accidents – if we can foresee it, it’s no longer an accident.

These high-impact incidents have long-running environmental consequences. After the initial damage, which can take years and millions of dollars to clean up, these incidents put a stop to the effective movement of vessels.

Injuries, deaths, and major incidents can cause ships to sit in port for days or months longer than planned. While that happens, power plants need to keep running to keep cooling units running, keep the ship ready to leave port, or simply idling at anchor waiting for a spot to open.

“On average, for every ship berthing in the European port, another one is waiting outside, and the environmental impact of waiting is compared to the environmental impact of berthing inside the harbours. We found that this impact can be diminished by up to 80%.” – (Toward Data Science)

Fewer incidents mean less idling time and fewer greenhouse gas emissions that aren’t contributing towards moving goods from one place to another.

The HiLo Model for Change

HiLo works with 55 shipping companies who manage over 3,500 vessels. We have the most complete data sources available in this industry, so we can see what risks exist and how these affect the lives of seafarers, ships, and cargo.

By giving shipping companies the tools to avoid incidents, HiLo is doing its part to protect the environment. HiLo customers have seen a 5% reduction in spills, an 8% reduction in injuries and an overall incident reduction of 12% while using our analysis.

Become a HiLo Partner

Join with HiLo to create innovative solutions to global issues.

Together, we can:

  • Protect the environment
  • Deliver industry-leading safety technology
  • Connect the industry through data
  • Deliver safer seas.

HiLo partners are some of the world’s most innovative companies. Become a part of the network and help us reduce risk and improve the industry.

The same data we use to reduce risk can aid in reducing the environmental impact of the industry at large. We can move the industry toward greater safety and lower environmental impact with data.