HiLo Unveils New Tool to Solve Critical Maritime Risks

New Tool to Solve Critical Maritime Risks– Maritime safety company HiLo Maritime Risk Management (HiLo) are delighted to partner with CHIRP and UK P&I to create another ground-breaking development in their world-leading decision-making portfolio.
This new tool, ‘HiLo Buzz’, provides critical extra information and solutions to keep mariners safe.
- Previously, through their core product Pinpoint, HiLo offered data insights – demonstrating what is going wrong on vessels
- Now, through HiLo Buzz they have added practical solutions: explaining how to solve these issues.
Clear Solutions to Keep Mariners Safe
HiLo’s aim has always been clear: to help shipping companies save time, money and lives.
Having built the world’s leading maritime safety decision-making system, they are now making it even better, with actionable data and analysis.
Buzz gives mariners critical, time-sensitive actions – quickly. HiLo identifies the issues, and their partners UKP&I and CHIRP explain and train maritime companies to resolve them quickly.
Solving minor issues on vessels rapidly is critical, in order to stop them causing disasters. Buzz gives shipping companies the chance to send the most up-to-date information to their vessels, eliminating problems as soon as they emerge.
Working together to save lives
In order to build Buzz, HiLo worked with two key partners: CHIRP and UKP&I.
CHIRP is a voluntary reporting and incident-analysis platform. Totally independent and confidential, it investigates the causes of past incidents, based on information about incidents, risks and malpractices it receives from shipping companies and mariners.
UK P&I are one of the world’s largest marine insurers and oldest P&I clubs, protecting over 240 million tonnes of owned and chartered ships. Through Buzz, they offer practical resources and actions to eliminate risks.
Given UK P&I’s vast size and history, they have the ability to create training for a very wide range of situations. They can train mariners to face and resolve almost any issue before they face it in real life.
An easier way to make vessels safer
Through these partnerships, HiLo has established a holistic solution to preventing major incidents on the seas:
- HiLo Pinpoint identifies the issues to solve
- UK P&I and CHIRP explain how to do so
- Shipping companies can apply these fixes to keep mariners safe
Previously companies may have known what was wrong on their vessel, but not exactly how to solve it. With HiLo Buzz, the answer to the question ‘what do I do next?’ is laid out clearly. Mariners can see exactly how to fix issues, step by step.
How HiLo Buzz works
- Buzz is built on a monthly analysis of vessels in the HiLo fleet (currently more than 3,500).
- Practical suggestions from CHIRP and UK P&I are sent to shipping companies inbox once a month, based on HiLo’s risk rankings.
- Buzz alerts can be sent directly to both shore-based and ship-based staff.
- Insights can be shared quickly and easily with a company’s entire fleet.
Therefore, another world-first for HiLo Buzz is that both shoreside and shipside personnel gain critical information from the same source. This ensures safety operations are in sync.
Practical solutions to save time, money and lives
Further, HiLo Buzz can identify future risks: those that have not occurred on particular vessels yet, but are likely to. The tool can:
- Explain the risks ships might face
- Teach mariners lessons from the previous experience of other seafarers
- Train shipboard and onshore personnel in the actions to take
This helps prevent specific incidents occurring multiple times across the industry, making the seas safer for everyone.
If you are looking to improve your maritime safety, talk to us and help us get more seafarers home safely.