Cultivating A Greater Maritime Safety Culture

Maritime Safety – In the maritime industry, crew safety is a top priority. But incidents still happen, making an improved maritime safety culture harder to achieve. There are many fleets out on the waters, each one of them carrying its own set of risks. What can we do to change this?
Incidents happen because we don’t manage the root causes. We need to investigate these root causes so that we can identify what went wrong aboard different vessels before an accident. But how can we do that? And how can we do that in a simple and more effective way?
HiLo’s digital tool Pinpoint can help. Pinpoint helps you understand the key drivers of incidents, looking at the root causes. You’ll have the whole historic picture so you can know exactly how certain issues have caused incidents in the past.
Maritime Data Analysis done right
There are two big barriers which stop you from carrying out a successful maritime incident investigation:
- scattered and unstandardised data
- struggle to identify the correct root causes to incidents within your fleet.
Pinpoint can help overcome these barriers.
When your data is scattered and unstandardised, it is difficult to tell what has been happening in your own company. Even after you’ve looked at everything that has happened in the run up to an incident, it is difficult to identify which events are related to your incident and which are not.
With Pinpoint, you have full data availability. Pinpoint collects, standardises and analyses your data, all at the touch of a button. Pinpoint gathers over 500 different types of data from all your different systems, which stops you from missing anything. You’ll be able to identify which of your events were warning signals for your incident.
Pinpoint gives you the chance to drill down into the leading indicators which drive high impact events. Pinpoint has a full, accurate understanding of cause and effect, which will help you pinpoint the cause(s) of your incident.
Through Pinpoint, you’ll also be able to look back and see how your risk levels changed in the run up to your incident. Pinpoint’s trend analysis shows you what to look out for next time to prevent this incident from reoccurring.
The Power of Benchmarking
When it comes to conducting an accurate maritime incident investigation, it is extremely important to narrow down whether the issue is unique to your fleet or systemic in the industry. Pinpoint’s benchmarking feature enables you to see whether your risks are in line with the rest of the industry.
Pinpoint can help you identify which risks disproportionately affect your fleet and which risks affect the whole industry. For each type of high impact incident, Pinpoint can show you the comparison.
Committed to Maritime Safety
HiLo customers have certainly seen a reduction in maritime incidents across the board, despite an increase in vessels out on the waters.
Between 2021 and 2022, the full HiLo fleet, which includes tankers, bulk carriers, container ships, near coastal tankers and OSVs, has had a 5% reduction in spills, an 8% reduction in injuries and an overall incident reduction of 12%. Tankers in particular have experienced 308 fewer high-impact/potential high-impact events, 19 fewer major spills, and 9 fewer serious injuries. Bulk carriers have experienced 135 fewer high-impact/potential high-impact events and 24 fewer serious injuries.
Leave the Past behind you
When you identify the root causes of past incidents, you help build a greater maritime safety culture. HiLo’s digital tool Pinpoint will help you drill down into each risk to find the contributing issues to past incidents. It will do so in a simple and effective way.
From tailored risk profiles to overall industry trends, Pinpoint gives you the full historic picture, so you’ll know exactly what smaller issues are likely to have caused incidents in your fleet. You’ll also be able to see how your risks have changed over time and whether or not these risks were alleviated.
Thanks to accurate maritime data analysis, Pinpoint can help you effectively close out past incidents, identify root causes, and protect your crew for the future. Conducting your maritime incident investigations has never been easier.
Join HiLo today to access a wealth of safety analysis.