World-Leading Big Data Analytics in The Maritime Industry

The challenge of big data analytics in maritime industry
Historically it has been difficult for shipping companies to share information. Internal data is commercially and reputationally sensitive, and so was kept restricted.
As a result, previous safety analysis has relied heavily on the limited public data available. This has at best resulted in sweeping conclusions that lack detail and the critical next steps required. At worst, it has led to shipping companies focusing on the wrong issues and missing the real dangers to their fleet.
Ground-breaking Maritime industry big data analytics
Why should you trust HiLo to deliver, where other shipping industry data analytics systems have failed before?
We knew we had to do things differently; to build a ground-breaking model that overcame past challenges. Pinpoint therefore uses 3 innovations that set it apart from previous models:
- Critical mass of data
We work with our customers to utilise their full internal shipping data, meaning we have a greater volume of accurate, relevant information. This creates more accurate analysis than other systems that use more general, public data.
Rather than speculating about possible problems, we use your data to find your unique safety issues. We know the importance of pinpoint accurate data tailored to your fleet and its safety needs, rather than assuming one solution fits all fleets.
- Built and reviewed by statistics experts.
Our model is watertight, proven to be solid through independent verification by the Alan Turing Institute and Imperial College London. It is checked and updated as necessary to reflect the changing realities of life on the seas. Our models are specific to vessel types – the sea may be the same, but every vessel type has its own risks and vulnerabilities.
This continued verification ensures Pinpoint always delivers the most current data analytics in the shipping industry.
- Built and updated in collaboration with maritime experts
To make Pinpoint as robust as possible, HiLo drew upon the experience and wisdom of maritime experts. We held many varied workshops, with experienced crew and captains from different types of vessels. Facilitated by our own in-house mariners, our workshops uncovered the key concerns of day-to-day maritime safety, and root causes of many types of maritime incidents.
We use this real-life knowledge to ensure that our model isn’t just theoretical, but reflects and copes with the realities of the maritime world. This means Pinpoint always delivers the most effective big data analytics in maritime industry.
Secure shipping industry big data analytics system
Pinpoint’s database complies with the highest information security requirements. We are ISO/IEC 27001-certified to ensure that sensitive shipping data is secure and independent. This means our customers can share data with us without fear.
We understand the importance of keeping your maritime data safe. All fleet analysis is anonymised, so you can see what is happening in the wider industry. The good news is that anonymisation does not stop us using data effectively to improve safety.
World-leading shipping industry big data analytics
How can HiLo give better analysis than anyone else?
- Our statistical model is tried and tested to identify the unique risks you face, by combining your data and our world-leading analysis system.
- Because we have access to over 750 different data categorisations, even the smallest risks can be found, as early as possible.
- This includes ‘leading indicators’ – the risks that warn of future major incidents. We are the first organisation to be able to identify these successfully, because we have an unprecedented critical mass of relevant data and therefore a ‘full picture’ view of what is going on your fleet.
- Pinpoint’s infrastructure and technology enables us to confidently tell you the most important safety actions to take first, prioritising your risks and maximising your chance of stopping maritime catastrophes in their tracks.
- HiLo works closely with shipping companies to always maintain and enhance industry best practices.
- We provide analysis adapted to each company’s needs.
- We are backed by experts, logic and experience.
Use data analytics to improve shipping safety
Using Pinpoint, HiLo can give the most effective, accurate big data analytics in maritime industry. We are unique in our approach and our impact on maritime safety.
HiLo’s customers see a huge increase in safety and drastically reduced incidents while using our services.
In 2021/22 each HiLo customer saved an average of $3 million annually.
Tankers experienced:
- 308 fewer high-impact / potential high-impact events
- 19 fewer major spills
- 9 fewer serious injuries
Bulk carrier benefits included:
- 135 fewer high-impact / potential high-impact events
- 24 fewer serious injuries
The full HiLo fleet saw:
- A 5% reduction in spills
- An 8% reduction in injuries
- A 12% overall incident reduction
Benefit from the best data analytics in the shipping industry and improve your fleet safety.
Try us out today for the best practical solutions to protect your fleet.